Plenary Session One: Updated Guide to State Assessment Peer Review
Presenters: Donald Peasley and Deborah Spitz, Office of State Support, U.S. Department of Education
Session A-1 State Critical Elements: Test Operations and Maintenance
Panelists: Heather Peltier, John Olson, and June Zack
Moderator: Mario Nunez, Office of State Support, U.S. Department of Education
Session A-2 Best Practices in Assembling Peer Review Submissions
Panelists: Lou Fabrizio, Sharon Hall, Vince Verges, and Tammy Howard
Moderator: Elizabeth Witt, Office of State Support, U.S. Department of Education
Session A-3 Validity Evidence: Content and Cognitive /Linguistic Processes
Panelists: Angela Broaddus, Ryan Kettler, Tracey Hembry and William Lorié
Moderator: Susan Weigert, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education
Plenary Session Two: Focus on ELP Assessment Peer Review: General ELP Assessments and Alternate ELP assessments
Panel One: General ELP Assessments
Panelists: Eric Zilbert, Gary Cook, Margaret Ho, and Phoebe Winter
Panel Two: Alternate ELP Assessments
Panelists: Audra Ahumada, Edynn Sato, Kim Brannan, and Melissa Gholson
Moderator: Amy Bae, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education
B-1 Monitoring Test Administration (including special populations)
Panelists: Jan Sheinker, Heather Peltier, and Sharon Hall
Moderator: Joseph Suh, Office of State Support, U.S. Department of Education
Session B-2 Alternate ELP Achievement Standards
Panelist: Audra Ahumada, Edynn Sato, Eric Zilbert, and Melissa Gholson
Moderator: Donald Peasley, Office of State Support, U.S. Department of Education
Session B-3 Locally Selected Nationally Recognized High School Assessments
Panelist: John Olson, Tammy Howard, and Vince Verges
Moderator: Deborah Spitz, Office of State Support, U.S. Department of Education
Session C-1 State Critical Elements: Inclusion
Panelists: Angela Broaddus, Dan Farley, Fran Warkomski and Melissa Gholson
Moderator: Leslie Clithero, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education
Session C-2 Assessment Reporting in Peer Review
Panelists: Lou Fabrizio, Vince Verges, and William Lorié
Moderator: Joseph Suh, Office of State Support, U.S. Department of Education
Session C-3 Validity Evidence for English Language Proficiency (ELP) Assessments
Panelists: Edynn Sato, Gary Cook, and Phoebe Winter
Moderator: Brenda Calderon, Office of State Support, U.S. Department of Education
Repeat Session | D-1 Monitoring Test Administration (including special populations)
Panelists: Dan Farley, Tammy Howard, and Sharon Hall
Moderator: Mario Nunez, Office of State Support, U.S. Department of Education
Repeat Session | D-2 Validity Evidence: Content and Cognitive/Linguistic Processes
Panelists: Jeffrey Hauger, June Zack, Ryan Kettler, and William Lorié
Moderator: Jessica McKinney, Office of State Support, U.S. Department of Education
Repeat Session | D-3 Alternate ELP Achievement Standards
Panelists: Audra Ahumada, Gary Cook, Kim Brannan and Tracey Hembry
Moderator: Amy Bae, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education
Plenary Session Three: Alternate Academic Achievement Standards for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities: “on track to pursue postsecondary education or competitive integrated employment”
Panelists: Dan Farley, Fran Warkomski, Jan Sheinker, and Janette Shell
Moderator: Susan Weigert, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education
Repeat Session | E-1 Best Practices in Assembling Peer Review Submissions
Panelists: Heather Peltier, John Olson, Tracey Hembry, and Jeffrey Hauger
Moderator: Elizabeth Witt, Office of State Support, U.S. Department of Education
Repeat Session | E-2 Validity Evidence for ELP Assessments
Panelists: Eric Zilbert, Margaret Ho, and Phoebe Winter
Moderator: Brenda Calderon, Office of State Support, U.S. Department of Education
Repeat Session | E-3 State Critical Elements: Inclusion
Panelists: Angela Broaddus, Fran Warkomski, Jan Sheinker and Ryan Kettler
Moderator: Leslie Clithero, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education
State Assessment Peer Review Seminar