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12:15 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Social Activity 1 - Optional
What's So Great About Your State?
Attend this optional social session for the opportunity to connect informally with fellow programmatic team members.
Heather Flory, SMP National Resource Center
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Opening Plenary
Strength in Numbers: Collaboration Opportunities With Federal Partners
Hear from key federal partners on their current priorities and efforts to advance equity in federal programs, as well as their current and future collaborations with the Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP), State Health Insurance Program (SHIP), and Medicare Improvement for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) networks. Panelists include representatives from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau; U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Inspector General; and the Social Security Administration.
Rebecca Kinney, Director, Office of Healthcare Information and
Counseling (OHIC), Administration for Community Living (ACL)
Melissa Simpson, Associate Director, OHIC, ACL
Sharon Graham, Regional Administrator and Staff Director for Centers
for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Philadelphia
Matthew Charette, Special Agent in Charge, Office of the Inspector
General (OIG), Investigation Branch, U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS)
Abigail Zapote, Senior Advisor to the Acting Commissioner, Social
Security Administration (SSA)
Doug Nguyen, Regional Communications Director, Chicago Region, SSA
Deborah Royster, Assistant Director, Office for Older Americans,
Consumer Financial Protection, Bureau (CFPB)
Opening Plenary
2:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) Office Hours 1 - Optional
Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) representatives will be available to provide one-on-one technical assistance to grantees during this time period. Come prepared with any questions you may have.
Rod Oyola, BAH
Jennifer Bush, BAH
Moderator: Katie Glendening, ACL
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Breakout 1
Integrated Care: Effective Communication Strategies & Resources for Counselors
After a brief overview of the different types of integrated care options for persons dually enrolled in Medicaid and Medicare, this session will share findings from research into what counselors and dual-eligible beneficiaries understand about integrated care options, and how best to communicate those options. Discover which factors are associated with enrollment in integrated care plans, as well as what best practices could increase participation in integrated products in a person-centered way. The session will close with information on a suite of integrated care resources available to counselors and their clients.
Brandy Bauer, National Council on Aging, (NCOA)
Leena Sharma, Center for Consumer Engagement in Health Innovation
Emily Whicheloe, CMS
Moderator: Maggie Flowers, ACL
Breakout 1 Integrated Care Effect Communication Strategies & Resource for Counselors Recording
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Breakout 2
Annual Fraud Trends: A Dual Perspective
This session will provide a fascinating overview of health care fraud trends from the perspective of both the Senior Medicare Patrol National Resource Center and U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Inspector General (OIG) Office of Investigations. SMP trends are based on actual SMP Information and Reporting System (SIRS)topic and issue reporting data from 2018–Present and will include geographical analysis. HHS-OIG will present summary data regarding complaints received by the hotline on major subject areas such as Durable Medical Equipment (DME), home health, hospice, and prescription drug complaints. Specialty topics, such as medical identity theft, patient harm, and criminal enterprises, will be discussed throughout the presentation.
Jenny Trussell, SMP National Resource Center
Mike Cohen, HHS-OIG
Moderator: Marissa Whitehouse, ACL
Breakout 2 Annual Fraud Trends A Dual Perspective - Recording
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Breakout 3
Practical Practices for Virtual Services
Many of our clients are requesting hybrid service delivery remain part of our model, but many organizations are still playing catchup in learning how to do this well and investing in the most appropriate infrastructure for our programs, size, and budget. Come to this presentation to learn about the practical practices, tips, and tools for virtual service delivery. Learn more about boosting engagement, navigating issues, equitable virtual spaces, and tools you can use and afford.
Rebecca Kinney, ACL
Marie Gress, Kovir LLC
Moderator: Emberly Zellars, ACL
Breakout 3 Practical Practices for Virtual Services zoom_0
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Breakout 4
Strengthening Aging Services Across Cultures
Relationships are an important part of who we are and the work we do. It can be difficult to connect with people when we aren’t familiar with their background, culture, or sexual orientation. This session will introduce us to various minority aging populations, share resources and ideas to provide them with culturally competent services, and review a step-by-step process of demographic data introspection using Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS’s) Office of Minority Health’s Disparities Impact Statement. Attendees will gain the ability to understand, communicate with, and effectively interact with people across cultures.
Sara Vogler, ACL
Elana Kieffer, New York Academy of Medicine
Shefy Simon, ACL
Moderator: Melissa Simpson, ACL
Breakout 4 Strengthening Aging Services Across Cultures
12:15 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Chair Yoga - Optional
Join Jennifer Trussell, a registered yoga teacher (RYT200/RCYT) for a relaxing chair yoga session to complement your virtual conference. This 30-minute class is perfect for beginners, those with limited mobility and balance concerns, or anyone curious about the benefits of yoga. This class will introduce yoga poses that can be done both sitting and standing and include basic breathwork and a stress-reduction meditation. Have a sturdy chair without arms available, and dress in comfortable clothing with the footwear (or not) of your choice.
Jenny Trussell, SMP National Resource Center
1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Advancing Equity in SMP, SHIP, and MIPPA
Ensuring access to healthcare is at the heart of the SHIP, SMP, and MIPPA programs—but are our programs reaching all beneficiaries? Learn how advancing equity within our programs can help improve the lives of Medicare beneficiaries of color and others who have been underserved, marginalized, and affected by persistent poverty and inequality.
Rebecca Kinney, ACL
Denny Chan, Justice in Aging
2:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
2:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) Office Hours 2 - Optional
Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) representatives will be available to provide one-on-one technical assistance to grantees during this time period. Come prepared with any questions you may have.
Rod Oyola, BAH
Jennifer Bush, BAH
Moderator: Katie Glendening, ACL
2:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Breakout 5
Substance Use Disorders, Behavioral Health, and Pain
During the public health emergency, the need for Medicare benefits and services for those with substance use disorder (SUD) has grown. The isolation, anxiety, insecurity, and altered resources experienced by many as a result of the pandemic have contributed to a rise in mental health concerns, as well as an increase in substance misuse across the United States. In this session you will learn about SUDs and the Medicare population, the work that CMS has undertaken to expand access to treatment for those with SUDs, and also publications that can assist Medicare beneficiaries with SUDs to appropriately access treatment.
Shari Ling, CMS
Ellen Blackwell, CMS
Rob Baillieu, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Moderator: Melissa Simpson, ACL
Breakout 5 Substance Use Disorders, Behavioral Health, and Pain
2:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Breakout 6
Demystifying CMS’s Center for Program Integrity
Staff from the Center for Program Integrity (CPI) will provide an overview of CPI’s structure and will give a broad overview of CPI’s work. Additionally, CPI staff will review their available data, data analysis environment, and practices. Finally, CPI staff will provide an overview of what happens to SMP cases once they are referred to CMS.
Laura Minassian-Kiefel, CMS
Althea Mathews, CMS
Brent Person, CMS
Moderator: Marissa Whitehouse, ACL
Breakout 6 Demystifying CMS’s Center for Program Integrity
2:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Breakout 7
Power Through the Pandemic: Partnering to Move the Lei Needle
“Partners” are usually agencies or organizations outside one’s own program. However, the most obvious partnerships are those within an agency or organization. This presentation, “Power Through the Pandemic: Partnering to Move the Lei Needle,” will provide methods on how to fully utilize the potential for collaborations between two programs within the Executive Office on Aging: the Hawaii State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) and the Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) Hawaii. This will be accomplished by discussing brainstorming activities and planning meetings to identify needs and resources that enable programs to work smarter, not harder. We will provide concrete and current examples of deliverables conducted by Hawaii SHIP and the SMP Hawaii in 2020. Hawaii SHIP and SMP Hawaii are programs in the Advocacy, Education, and Outreach Section (AEOS) located in the Executive Office on Aging (EOA), an attached agency under the Hawaii Department of Health. Prior to 2020, each program worked separately, which we found was inefficient and counterproductive. Our plan was to come together as a unified section, which we accomplished through monthly volunteer coordinator meetings. During these meetings, we identified partners that the programs shared, program needs and wants, and challenges to recruitment and retention. We identified areas on which to collaborate through innovative brainstorming and planning meetings. After conducting these methods, we identified two needs: the first need was to bring the volunteer-based programs together though cross-training, shared meetings, and opportunities. The second need was to capitalize on what each program has to offer, thus benefiting the other program. Overall, the programs wanted a more unified section with an improved relationship with volunteers. AEOS committed to monthly meetings to strengthen the bond between the programs. These meetings provide EOA, section, and program updates; cross-trainings; and important dates. The goal of this presentation is to share methods of brainstorming, planning, identifying partners, and to provide ideas for innovative activities using concrete and current examples from our collaboration. Our target audience are program directors, program coordinators, volunteer coordinators, and volunteer-based organizations. The concrete examples to be discussed are collaborations on marketing campaigns (television and radio show interviews, and newsletters); shared resources (training materials, announcements); joint meetings, trainings, and presentations; finally culminating in an inaugural event, entitled “Silver Linings: 2020 End-of-Year Virtual Celebration.”
Norma Kop, Hawaii SMP
Wanda Anae-Onishi, Hawaii SHIP
Candace Young, Hawaii SHIP
Moderator: Shefy Simon, ACL
Breakout 7 Partnering to Move the Lei Needle Recording
2:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Breakout 8
SHINE Collaboration With the Senior Employment Workforce to Benefit Both Programs
This session will describe how the Senior Community Service Employment Program can be used to increase the capacity of the Massachusetts SHIP program by providing temporary administrative staff during the pandemic. We will provide details of how these remote workers were trained, supervised, and equipped. The presentation will focus on what worked well, what we learned from the experience, and the potential for future collaborations.
Kathleen Gouveia, Massachusetts Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone (SHINE)
Laura Roskos, Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands
Moderator: Corey Roberts, ACL
Breakout 8 SHINE Collaboration with the Senior Employment Workforce to Benefit Both Programs - Recording
12:15 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Social Activity 2 - Optional
Gratitude Meditation and Reflection
Attend this optional social session for the opportunity to connect informally with fellow programmatic team members.
Heather Flory, SMP National Resource Center
Presentation 1
Presentation 2
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Breakouts 9 & 10—Topic-Based Discussion: Outreach & Media
Join this topic-based, interactive grantee discussion of Outreach & Media.
Moderator: Brandy Bauer, NCOA
Support: Katie Glendening, ACL
Moderator: Maureen Patterson, SMP National Resource Center
Support: Rebecca Kinney, ACL
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Breakouts 11 & 12—Topic-Based Discussion: Volunteer Management, Recruitment, & Retention
Join this topic-based, interactive grantee discussion of Volunteer Management, Recruitment, & Retention.
Moderator: Ginny Paulson, SHIP National Technical Assistance Center
Support: Emberly Zellars, ACL
Moderator: Heather Flory, SMP National Resource Center
Support: Maggie Flowers, ACL
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Breakouts 13 & 14—Topic-Based Discussion: Building & Retaining Partnerships
Join this topic-based, interactive grantee discussion about Building & Retaining Partnerships.
Moderator: Nicole Liebau, SMP National Resource Center
Support: Corey Roberts, ACL
Moderator: Ann Kayrish, NCOA
Support: Sara Vogler, ACL
Breakout 13 Topic-Based Discussion Building & Retaining Partnerships
Breakout 14 Topic-Based Discussion Building & Retaining Partnerships (B)
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Breakouts 15 & 16—Topic-Based Discussion: Data & Quality Assurance
Join this topic-based, interactive grantee discussion of Data & Quality Assurance.
Moderator: Sara Lauer, SMP National Resource Center
Support : Akia Dieuseul, ACL
Moderator: Sarah Fleming, SHIP National Technical Assistance Center
Support: Melissa Simpson, ACL
Breakout 15 Topic-Based Discussion Data & Quality Assurance Recording
Breakout 16 Topic-Based Discussion Data & Quality Assurance recording
2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Closing Plenary
Program Branding, Outreach, & Using Social Media
During this session, ACL will share new outreach materials, updated logos, and information gathered through research activities conducted to gain a better understanding of outreach needs and tactics. We’ll also hear some tips and tricks on using social media from our partners at HHS OIG.
Nicole Liebau, SMP National Resource Center
Rebecca Kinney, ACL
Marissa Whitehouse, ACL
Maggie Flowers, ACL
Nora Linder, BETAH Associates, Inc.
Yvonne Gamble, HHS-OIG
The Barbara McGinity Award