Virtual Meeting Instructions

Zoom Meetings

The platform used for the majority of the virtual Mini-Convention is Zoom Meetings. Click the link to your meeting you received after registering, then a Zoom window will open, a pop-up will appear. Click "Open Zoom,” and wait a few seconds for Zoom to launch.

To get the latest version of Zoom please visit and click Update Now. If you are using the Zoom app please click your picture in the upper right corner and select “Check for Updates.” You can test your zoom connection, video, and audio any time before the meeting by following this link, You can download the Zoom for Meeting App ahead of time at

Gather (Poster Session)

The platform that will be used for the poster session is Gather. You will access Gather via the link that will be sent to you on October 29. After clicking the link, name your avatar with your full name, allow access for your camera and microphone, and click enter. The platform is a proximity video chat – this enables users to automatically see and hear other users when they are within a certain distance from each other.

IMPORTANT: Gather is not supported on Safari and mobile devices (phones, tablets, etc). Please open the link to the platform through Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Microsoft Edge.


For More Information on Gather Please visit:
Gather Poster Session Guide
Getting Started
Troubleshooting and FAQs