NIDA - Genetics and Epigenetics Cross Cutting Research

Abstract Solicitation

The Genetics and Epigenetics Cross-Cutting Research Team of the National Institute on Drug Abuse invites you to submit an abstract for the March 17-18, 2024, NIDA Genetics and Epigenetics Cross-Cutting Research Team Meeting to be held in-person meeting at Natcher Auditorium on the NIH Campus in Bethesda, MD.

The Team will select up to 20 abstracts for short talks and up to 140 abstracts for poster presentations. Decisions on acceptance of poster presentations and short talks will be made on a rolling basis, and we may also invite some investigators to serve as panel discussants. Abstracts should focus on the genetics and epigenetics of substance abuse in humans or in model systems. The goals of the meeting are to:

  • Showcase the exciting research on the genetics and epigenetics of substance use disorders
  • Encourage collaboration amongst investigators with different expertise in genetics and epigenetics
  • Foster collaboration and new research among investigators working on the genetics and epigenetics of addiction and HIV/AIDS, mental health, and other comorbidities
  • Identify new research opportunities in the genetics and epigenetics of addiction
  • Provide attendees with an opportunity to meet with NIDA program directors to discuss their ideas for grant applications and funding opportunities

To see examples from previous meetings please visit (NIDA Genetics Consortium Meeting Abstracts).

We encourage submissions across all career stages (e.g. graduate students, postdoctoral scientists, junior and senior faculty). Note: There is no registration fee to attend this meeting, however, attendees are responsible for their own travel, meals, and lodging.

Abstract submission is due no later than Midnight PST on Tuesday, November 12, 2024. No late abstracts will be accepted.

Abstract Submission Form

* denotes required fields

If the submitter is different than the PI, please add the PI information below:
All Authors
All Organizations
Abstract: The Abstract should discuss the background, rationale/significance, hypothesis, results, and discussion. 250 words maximum *
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