Welcome to the Managing Chronic Pain in Individuals with Co-occurring OUD, and Other Psychiatric Conditions Workshop.
This workshop is being conducted under the auspices of the Helping to End Addiction Long-termSM Initiative, or NIH HEAL InitiativeSM, an aggressive, trans-NIH effort to speed scientific solutions to stem the national opioid public health crisis. Launched in April 2018, the initiative is focused on improving prevention and treatment strategies for opioid misuse and addiction, and enhancing pain management. For more information, visit: https://heal.nih.gov.
The intent of the workshop is to understand the state of the science on addressing chronic non-cancer pain and opioid use disorder (OUD), with and without other common comorbid psychiatric disorders. Using this knowledge base, invited attendees are charged with identifying research and infrastructure needs. Attendees will also address how these research priorities can enact meaningful and sustainable changes in treatment approaches in the next 5 years.