Updated Plan Evaluation Tool: EOP EVALUATE

The REMS TA Center is pleased to announce that we have updated EOP EVALUATE. This FREE web application on the REMS TA Center website provides an interactive evaluation opportunity for administrators, faculty and teachers, and other personnel at schools, school districts, and institutions of higher education to complete regarding their emergency operations plan (EOP). Answer a series of 29 questions, and, at the end of the evaluation, you will receive a Word document that contains a copy of your results, customized feedback, and related resources.

New Enhancements

EOP EVALUATE has been redesigned by the REMS TA Center to enhance the overall experience and make it easier for you and your colleagues to use. Enhancements include

  • A new look and feel to reduce scrolling;
  • A reformatted output report of your results with new graphics; and
  • Refreshed resources to ensure that you are accessing the latest information.

Uses and Benefits

You may use this tool to compare your plan against federal guides and practices. The customized output report contains information and resources that you can review and access to determine areas of improvement in your plan and enhance sections of your plan. Planning teams should consider using EOP EVALUATE during Step 5 of the six-step planning process to review the plan and determine its effectiveness and efficiency. Both the Guide for Developing High-Quality School Emergency Operations Plans and the Guide for Developing High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Institutions of Higher Education contain measures to determine if a plan is of high quality. These measures have been integrated into the tool to help planning teams create a high-quality EOP.

Other EOP Interactive Tools

EOP EVALUATE is one of five EOP Interactive Tools that the REMS TA Center has created. This suite of tools is designed specifically to assist education agencies and enhance their safety, security, and emergency preparedness efforts. The tools are intended to be used by K-12 and/or higher ed practitioners with any level of experience in emergency management. Below is a summary of each tool and its purpose:

Get a snapshot of each tool and how each can support you and/or your education agency via our EOP Interactive Tools Flyer.

If you have any questions or need additional assistance,
please contact the REMS TA CENTER at 1-855-781-REMS [7367]
or via email at info@remstacenter.org