NEW Online Course: Managing Your School’s Recovery From an Emergency Incident

The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools, and its REMS TA Center have developed a NEW online course, titled Managing Your School’s Recovery From an Emergency Incident. Recovery is one of the most common emergency management functions, as schools will always need to undertake efforts to regain a sense of “normalcy” within the school community after an emergency incident. The REMS TA Center is pleased to help K-12 school safety teams learn more about the complex nature of recovery and increase their preparedness to support their community in the aftermath of an emergency through this new online course.

Course Objectives

This 30- to 45-minute free online course aims to help school administrators, security officers, emergency management and response personnel, and school or school district personnel develop a greater understanding of recovery to enhance preparedness for this emergency management function. This online course will help you learn about the

  • importance of collaborating with community partners to manage recovery;
  • benefits of developing or updating a Recovery Annex in the school emergency operations plan;
  • four types of school recovery—academic; business services; health, social, emotional, and behavioral; and physical and structural—and what they each entail; and
  • three time frames of school recovery management—immediate, short term, and long term—and how they intersect.

REMS TA Center Online Courses

The REMS TA Center offers a diverse set of self-paced online courses as asynchronous training and professional development opportunities on school safety, security, emergency management, and preparedness topics. If you are a first-time user, create a profile for easy access to all our online courses.

Planning Basics and Principles

Emergency Management Functions

Hazards and Threats

Find More Recovery Resources

The REMS TA Center provides additional resources on this critical topic, which can be found on the topic-specific web page. These resources include fact sheets on facets of recovery, including Psychological First Aid; bereavement, anniversaries, and memorials; and recovering from federally declared natural disasters. Further, the REMS TA Center offers a podcast episode on planning for recovery; a specialized training package module on Developing a Recovery Annex; and a webinar titled, Building State-Level Relationships to Support Education Agencies With Disaster Response and Recovery Planning, to improve your preparedness capacity to recover from an emergency incident.

If you have any questions or need additional assistance,
please contact the REMS TA CENTER at 1-855-781-REMS [7367]
or via email at