NEW Online Course: After-Action Reviews and Reports for K-12 Schools and School Districts

Does your school or school district conduct after-action reviews after every incident, drill, and exercise? Is your school or school district looking for tips to develop effective after-action reports? To support K-12 school safety teams in plan implementation, maintenance, and revisions, the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools and its REMS TA Center are pleased to provide a NEW online course, entitled After-Action Reviews and Reports for K-12 Schools and School Districts.

Course Objectives

This 45- to 60-minute, free, online course aims to help school staff, school district personnel, and community partners develop a greater understanding of after-action reviews and reports. They are an important tool for core planning teams to reflect and identify gaps and areas of improvement in school emergency management planning. This online course will help you learn about

  • After-action reviews, the role they play in emergency operations plan (EOP) development and maintenance, and how they can be planned;
  • After-action reports, their contents, and considerations for creating them; and
  • School EOPs and how they can be enhanced and strengthened through after-action reviews and reports.

Other REMS TA Center Online Courses

The REMS TA Center offers a diverse set of self-paced online courses as asynchronous training and professional development opportunities on school safety, security, emergency management, and preparedness topics. If you are a first-time user, create a profile for easy access to all our online courses.

Planning Basics and Principles

Emergency Management Functions

Hazards and Threats

Find More Resources on After Action Reports

The REMS TA Center provides additional resources to support this critical topic. These resources include a fact sheet specific to developing after-action reports as well as this topic-specific Web page on EOP development and the planning process. Our Emergency Exercises Training Package contains materials for K-12 schools and school districts to use to conduct tabletop exercises for four scenarios, such as participant guides with prompts for planning an after-action review and creating an after-action report. The REMS TA Center also offers fact sheets on maintaining the EOP and conducting emergency exercises and functional exercises with community partners.

If you have any questions or need additional assistance,
please contact the REMS TA CENTER at 1-855-781-REMS [7367]
or via email at