Reflections of 2023 From the REMS TA Center

Thank you for subscribing to the REMS TA Center’s mailing list. We hope that you have felt supported in your emergency operations plan (EOP) development and have found our resources helpful. As 2023 comes to a close, we want to remind you of our interactive brochure on the FREE services and products we offer. We invite you to review and share it with your colleagues as you engage in emergency preparedness activities all year long. The REMS TA Center added to many of these resources in 2023, including synchronous and asynchronous trainings, EOP interactive tools, publications and guidance documents, and more.

The REMS TA Center released eight NEW trainings in 2023. These range in modality: synchronous and asynchronous, in person and online, and training materials.

The REMS TA Center released 10 NEW fact sheets in 2023. These documents offer planning considerations for a range of hazards, threats, emergency management functions, and other important concepts like collaboration.

Our sample annexes contain examples of goals, objectives, and courses of action that address before, during, and after an emergency. They are intended only to serve as a sample of the structure and format of an annex and should not be used as a template or copied. In 2023, the REMS TA Center released nine NEW sample annexes and other publications.

The REMSontheAir Podcast expanded by eight NEW episodes in 2023. You may currently listen to them on our website, but they will be available on podcast streaming services in 2024.

Finally, the REMS TA Center created three NEW web pages that contain information and resources on important topics in emergency management. The REMS TA Center also updated two interactive tools that may be used to assess your knowledge of emergency management planning principles or conduct a site assessment of your education agency’s buildings and grounds.

Thank you for your engagement and feedback in 2023. We look forward to continuing to support you in 2024. If you have a question or need a resource, please don’t hesitate to send the REMS TA Center an email at

If you have any questions or need additional assistance,
please contact the REMS TA CENTER at 1-855-781-REMS [7367]
or via email at