Update to SITE ASSESS: NEW Merging Feature

The REMS TA Center is pleased to announce that we have updated SITE ASSESS with a new merging feature. This update was made based on feedback received from current users and leaders in the field. SITE ASSESS is a FREE and secure mobile application (app) for education agencies to conduct site assessments and examine the safety, security, accessibility, and emergency preparedness of their building(s) and grounds. It is currently compatible with mobile devices that have iOS and Android operating systems. If you would like to provide additional feedback to the REMS TA Center, please complete the SITE ASSESS Feedback Form.

Merging Feature
A key component of conducting site assessments is to do so in collaboration with a multidisciplinary team. To aid teams in using SITE ASSESS, the REMS TA Center has now enabled users to combine site assessment data from two site assessments into one. To use this feature, navigate to the Share Data section of the app (which was previously called Tools) and select Merge. You will then see a brand-new Merge screen that allows you to merge files. Below are some tips to keep in mind:

  • You may merge only two site assessments at a time.
  • Each site assessment must be a mobile app file with “.remstacenter” in the name.
  • Site assessments that have already been imported into or saved on your mobile app will appear in the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you may import a new site assessment to merge.
  • A pop-up window will appear prompting you to choose how to proceed when there are responses to the same question in both assessments. You need to select the site assessment to use in this case.

Exporting and Importing Data
Users may continue to use the import and export features within the app to aid in their collaboration with team members and community partners. The export feature allows you to transmit your site assessment to another device to continue contributing to the site assessment. It also may be used to transmit the site assessment in another format once your site assessment is complete. Likewise, the import feature allows you to upload a site assessment from another device into your installed app. Below is information on each format available within SITE ASSESS:

  • Mobile App File: The SITE ASSESS mobile app file contains “.remstacenter” in the file name and is readable only within SITE ASSESS. Teams can use this format to contribute to the same site assessment through the import and merge features. This file may also be used to disseminate a customized template to teams. This format can usually be transmitted by email.
  • Excel Spreadsheet: The SITE ASSESS Excel file contains responses collected in the assessment and allows easy combination and comparison of data across time and buildings. Teams can use this format for data analysis and program management. The spreadsheet is accessible and editable on computers but does not include images. This format can usually be transmitted by email.
  • Word Document: The SITE ASSESS Word file contains images and responses collected in the assessment and is formatted with graphic design elements. Teams can use this format for reporting and submitting to leadership, an insurance company, community partners, and others. The document is accessible and editable on computers but can be a lengthy and large file. Cloud storage apps are recommended for transmitting this format; Word documents with photos may be too large to send via email.

Each format serves a different purpose. If your site assessment is complete, it is recommended that you export data in all three formats. If your site assessment is in progress, then export the mobile app file to import or merge on a different device. You can use a variety of third-party apps (email, cloud storage, messaging, etc.) to transmit the data, depending on the format and size. If unsuccessful, try another third-party app. The REMS TA Center is not responsible for the transmission of data.

Related Resources and Training
The REMS TA Center has created a flyer about the app that you can share with colleagues. K-12 education agencies are also invited to request a synchronous training, Conducting K-12 Site Assessments With SITE ASSESS, via the Live and Virtual Trainings by Request program. There is also the opportunity to view an archived Webinar; take an online course; and download training materials to use for independent study or deliver training to your site.

Other EOP Interactive Tools
SITE ASSES is one of five EOP Interactive Tools that the REMS TA Center offers. This suite of tools is designed specifically to assist education agencies and enhance their safety, security, and emergency preparedness efforts. The tools are intended to be used by K-12 and/or higher ed practitioners with any level of experience in emergency management. Below is a summary of each tool and its purpose:

Get a snapshot of each tool and how each can support you and/or your education agency via our EOP Interactive Tools Flyer.

If you have any questions or need additional assistance,
please contact the REMS TA CENTER at 1-855-781-REMS [7367]
or via email at info@remstacenter.org