Updated Emergency Exercises Training Package
Step 6 of the six-step planning process, plan
implementation and maintenance, is an important
part in the development of a high-quality
emergency operations plan (EOP). Planning
teams should continually practice the EOP
to ensure that it remains relevant,
up-to-date, and thorough. The exercise
program, which is often built in
Step 5 and documented in the Basic
Plan section, can help planning
teams practice and exercise the plan.
There are several types of emergency
exercises that schools and school districts
can conduct, one of which is tabletop exercises.
A tabletop exercise is a discussion-based
activity where a facilitator and participants
problem solve how they would activate their EOP in
the event of a hypothetical emergency incident. Tabletop
exercises are a great way to practice an EOP
(or portions of an EOP) in a
stress-free environment.
Tabletop Exercises
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