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NEW Online Course: Developing Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) for Enhancing Emergency Preparedness in the School Setting

NEW Online Course: Developing Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) for Enhancing Emergency Preparedness in the School Setting

Is your school or school district looking to refresh their knowledge around memoranda of understanding (MOUs)? Does your school safety team need a FREE online course to better understand and develop MOUs? To support K-12 school safety teams with their overall preparedness efforts through collaboration, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Supportive Schools (OSSS) and the REMS TA Center are pleased to provide a NEW online course: Developing Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) for Enhancing Emergency Preparedness in the School Setting.

Course Objectives

This 45-minutes to 1-hour free online course aims to help K-12 school (public and nonpublic) personnel, school district administrators and staff, state/regional education agency personnel, and community partners develop a greater understanding of the role of MOUs in supporting coordination efforts with community partners as well as topics to consider when developing MOUs to enhance preparedness in the school setting. This online course uses an engaging visual format and interactive features such as learning activities and quizzes to help you

  • Define MOUs and discuss their basic components.
  • Recognize considerations and strategies for developing MOUs for the school and school district setting.
  • Describe some of the common functions MOUs facilitate.
  • Explain the federally recommended six-step planning process and its connection to developing MOUs for enhancing emergency preparedness in the school and school district setting.

Other REMS TA Center Online Courses

The REMS TA Center offers a diverse set of self-paced online courses on school safety, security, emergency management, and preparedness topics. All available courses may be found on the Online Courses Web page or by visiting the REMS TA Center Website and selecting “Online Courses” under the “Trainings” tab. If you are a first-time user, please create an account for easy access to all our online courses.  

Fundamentals of EOP Development

Annexes and Related Topics

MOU Resources

The REMS TA Center offers additional resources on this critical topic, including a downloadable training module, Developing and Enhancing Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) With Your Community Partners, and a topic-specific Web page on collaboration, which includes resources on MOUs.

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If you have any questions or need additional assistance,
please contact the REMS TA CENTER at 1-855-781-REMS [7367]
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