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NEW #REMSontheAir Podcast

NEW #REMSontheAir Podcast

Whether we teach or learn in a school setting; have children or loved ones who teach, learn, or work in a school setting; or support a public or private agency that serves as a key education agency partner, the safety of our nation’s schools and campuses is a topic that impacts us all. The REMS TA Center has had the honor of engaging with, providing support to, and learning from practitioners and key stakeholders in the field around the far-reaching topics of school and campus safety. Knowledge gained from these collaborations, and our continuous research on key topics, has resulted in the development of various virtual and live engagement opportunities. Thank you to every local, regional, state, and Federal partner who has supported our collaborative efforts to teach and learn from the field. We are pleased to offer a NEW opportunity to engage with the REMS TA Center and our partners via the #REMSontheAir podcast.

Start with our Meet the REMS TA Center Episode, during which we chat about how we aim to serve K-12 and higher ed partners, and their community partners, with prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery efforts. Stay tuned for more episodes in 2022!

Join the Conversation
We want your input, feedback, and insight! Help us ensure that the #REMSontheAir podcast serves your needs. Follow the steps below to provide input and join the conversation.

  • Send us topic ideas.
  • Propose experts and other key stakeholders in the field to feature.
  • Send us follow-up questions and/or comments on information shared within each episode or related to a specific series.

Place #REMSontheAir in the subject line of an email, send us a message or tag @remstacenter in a post via Twitter, or call our toll-free phone number to share your ideas, requests, and questions.

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If you have any questions or need additional assistance,
please contact the REMS TA CENTER at 1-855-781-REMS [7367]
or via email at