NEW Downloadable Training Module: Understanding the Roles of School Resource Officers

NEW Downloadable Training Module: Understanding the Roles of School Resource Officers

A school resource officer (SRO) is a career law enforcement officer, with sworn authority, deployed in community-oriented policing and assigned by the law enforcement agency to a local education agency to work in collaboration with schools. SROs possess unique expertise that can enhance a school’s or school district’s emergency planning efforts. The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools and its REMS TA Center are pleased to provide a NEW, downloadable training module for K-12 school safety teams, leaders, and trainers at public and nonpublic schools, school districts, regional/state education agencies, and partner agencies to use on the topic of Understanding the Roles of School Resource Officers (SROs). This module and its materials are intended for you to use to deliver in-person or online trainings to your colleagues and/or site and to support your training programs.

The goal of this 60-minute training module is to help K-12 schools and school districts develop a greater understanding of how SROs can support teaching and learning by creating safe and supportive learning environments, assisting during emergencies, and helping in preparedness efforts. Learn about SROs and SRO programs, an SRO’s roles in school safety, and the importance of collaboration through the creation of SRO memoranda of understanding (MOUs). This module consists of the following materials:

  • Training presentation materials, including speaker notes, for school safety teams and practitioners to use to deliver trainings to the whole school community or learn on their own.
  • Training instructions to help you deliver this module to your colleagues.
  • Resource list for additional information and resources related to the topic.
  • Tabletop exercise activity and handout to help enhance the learning objectives of this training.

Specialized Training Package
Assemble this new module in a binder with a cover page and table of contents, along with additional modules to complement your training program. The REMS TA Center offers a suite of other modules covering a variety of special topics in emergency management. You can download all available training modules from the REMS TA Center’s Specialized Training Package Web page. Topics include:

  • Conducting K-12 Site Assessments With SITE ASSESS
  • Addressing and Preventing Adult Sexual Misconduct (ASM)
  • Developing and Enhancing Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) With Your Community Partners
  • Overview of the Six-Step Planning Process for Institutions of Higher Education
  • Understanding Educator Resilience & Developing a Self-Care Plan
  • Developing a Recovery Annex
  • Family Reunification Planning
  • Continuity of Operations Planning
  • Responding to Bereavement and Loss
  • Infectious Disease Planning
  • Integrating the Needs of Students and Staff With Disabilities and Other Access and Functional Needs
  • And more!

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If you have any questions or need additional assistance,
please contact the REMS TA CENTER at 1-855-781-REMS [7367]
or via email at

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