National School Safety Center

Three Ways to Engage With the REMS TA Center
and Your Partners in the Field

Insight from and collaboration with partners like you not only inform but also enhance the work that we do to help schools, school districts, and institutions of higher education increase their overall capacity to prepare for, mitigate, prevent, protect, respond to, and recover from the before, during, and after aspects of the variety of threats and hazards that they may face.

Your Stewardship Matters
The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Supportive Schools and its REMS TA Center appreciate your commitment to school and higher ed safety, security, emergency management, and preparedness. We have observed and admired all the ways you collaborated with partners in your localities, regions, and states this year to continually build and sustain safe and supportive schools and learning environments in response to the pandemic, in addition to additional hazards and threats faced.

The REMS TA Center has had the honor of engaging with, training, and providing customized support to education agencies and their school safety partners in nearly every state and territory. Every experience teaches us that there is more work to do in spreading the word about the FREE tools, trainings, and resources that we offer to the field in collaboration with our Federal partners.


Stay Connected + Share
Help us help your school and campus communities and peers in the field. Show your safety stewardship by sharing this announcement after you take three quick action steps outlined below to remain connected with us throughout the year.

1. Sign up for our mailing list and stay connected.
Information sharing enhances individual preparedness, education agency preparedness, and whole school and campus community preparedness. Sign up for the REMS TA Center mailing list to receive periodically information from us on upcoming virtual events, new trainings, funding opportunities, and more.

We encourage and welcome your input on the resources available on our Website, along with suggestions for additional services and resources you may find helpful. Let us know about a high-quality plan or plan component you developed or a novel or innovative practice you implemented. Tell us about a story of lessons learned from an actual emergency that may benefit others in the field. Email us to share your feedback today!
News and Updates

2. Join our Community of Practice.
Cop Did you know that we host a virtual platform for practitioners and key stakeholders in the field to network and collaborate? With more than 3,000 members, to date, from across the country, the REMS TA Center’s Community of Practice (CoP) is a growing community that offers a safe space to ask questions; share insight and resources; and connect with others who are managing or impacted by school and higher ed prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery efforts in their localities and states. Visit to create an account and start networking!

3. Follow us on Twitter and use our weekly hashtags.
Follow @remstacenter on Twitter for details about on-site and virtual events, product releases, free plug-and-play access to resources from the REMS TA Center and its Federal partners, and other information related to school and higher ed emergency management. Use the #ChatWithREMS hashtag to share success stories about how REMS TA Center resources, tools, or trainings have helped to build your emergency preparedness capacity or that of your education agency or community. Don’t forget to tag @remstacenter so that we can help maximize the reach of information your agency shares with the field! 

#MissionAreaMonday or #MissionMonday — Join us in posting tweets framed around the National Preparedness System mission areas of prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery.
Mission Monday
#TrainingTuesday — Retweet posts that we share highlighting the various FREE training opportunities we offer to local, regional, and state education agencies, including Trainings by Requests, Webinars, online courses, and Specialized Training Packages, among others. We also share training videos and pictures from #REMSontheRoad. Do you have pictures from REMS TA Center trainings? Be sure to share them on Twitter and tag us for a retweet!
Training Tuesday
#WellnessWednesday — Wednesdays are dedicated to wellness-related topics, including, but not limited to, mental health, public health, and medical health; school climate; trauma-informed care; and resilience strategies such as Psychological First Aid.
Wellness Wednesday
#ThrowbackThursday — On Thursdays, we take time to highlight previously shared resources developed by us and our partners that can still provide invaluable support to school and campus safety planning teams, including past Twitter chats, Webinars, live trainings, and other events. Stay tuned, and be prepared to retweet the posts we share with your colleagues, partners, and network.
Throwback Thursday
#FunFactFriday — Up for a brain buster? Set your calendar to check out our Friday poll questions, which we align with upcoming Webinar topics, seasonal preparedness trends, and other virtual engagement activities we plan and host. Polls remain open until Monday morning, at which time we will share the answer. Head over to our Twitter account, and find open polls pinned to the top of our profile.
Fun Fact Friday
Stay Tuned
We have several exciting resources and events coming up, including our NEW #REMSontheAir podcast! Share our Twitter profile with your local, state, and regional education agencies for a chance to be a featured guest. Follow us at @remstacenter to stay tuned for additional details!
Take a Virtual Training Use an EOP Interactive Tool Join the Community of Practice Access State Emergency Management Resources Fill Our Toolbox Download Our Emergency Management Virtual Toolkit

If you have any questions or need additional assistance,
please contact the REMS TA CENTER at 1-855-781-REMS [7367]
or via email at

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