Using the Emergency Management Virtual Toolkit to Enhance K-12 Emergency Management Planning

Madeline Sullivan, Program Analyst, Office of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS), U.S. Department of Education (ED); and Janelle Williams Hughes, Director of Communication, Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Technical Assistance (TA) Center.

What is the REMS TA Center’s Emergency Management Virtual Toolkit? How can it support me or my state or local education agency? What process should be used to install and disseminate the toolkit? If these are questions you have asked, join a Webinar we are hosting on behalf of ED's OSHS on Thursday, February 23, 2017, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET. During our Webinar, we will share details about the toolkit, designed to help state and local education agencies, emergency management agencies, school safety centers, and others who play a key role in school safety and emergency management share the latest Federal school emergency management training and technical assistance resources and information for schools in their state or district. In addition, we will provide an overview of the desktop and server installation processes and how the toolkit can be disseminated. This event will also feature a dedicated 15-minute Q&A session during which presenters will field questions from participants.

Who should participate in the Webinar?

  • Grants for State Emergency Management (GSEM) grantees, as installation and dissemination of the toolkit will help you meet the absolute priority of the grant.
  • Individuals responsible for managing school safety in your state or locality, as it will support you in keeping local education agencies up-to-date on the latest resources and recommendations from the REMS TA Center, the U.S. Department of Education, and Federal partners in emergency management.
  • The information technology staff who will be responsible for supporting state and local education agencies with the desktop and/or server installation process.

To join the meeting, register here:

Join Us for a Live Web Chat Following the Event!

The Webinar will be followed by a live Web Chat with the presenters on the REMS TA Center’s Community of Practice (CoP) from 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ET.

  • Already a CoP Member? If you wish to participate in the Web Chat, you will be automatically redirected to the CoP following the Q&A session.
  • Not a CoP Member? We invite you to join our growing community of more than 1,000 practitioners to collaborate on special projects, share news and resources, and learn from the experiences of others in the field! Please click here to create an account in advance of the event.
  • Have Web Chat topics to send us now? Email under the subject line February 23 Webinar: Topics for Web Chat and we’ll keep them on stand-by for the Web Chat.

You can also send us Web Chat questions in advance by tagging @remstacenter and using the following hashtag: #EMVirtualToolkit.

Spread the Word on Social Media
Help us help the field by sharing the following post via your social networks. You can also share a link to our Webinars page by using any of the social media share links available on our Website header.

Register for @remstacenter #EMVirtualToolkit Webinar 2/23 at 2:00 ET

Questions about the Webinar, Web Chat or CoP?

Contact the REMS TA Center Help Desk at 1-855-781-REMS [7367] or between the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST Monday through Friday.