New Resource! Fact Sheet for Schools and IHEs on Addressing Opioid Emergencies

Opioid overdose deaths among children and teenagers have tripled since 1999, according to a recent U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention research article, indicating that opioid abuse and misuse continue to be a problem for schools and institutions of higher education (IHEs). To help the educational community address such an emergency, the REMS TA Center has released a fact sheet on Preparing for Opioid-Related Emergencies for K-12 Schools and Institutions of Higher Education.

The fact sheet:

For additional strategies to support students, see the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Webinar on The Opioid Crisis and K-12 Schools: Supporting Students at School. More information on addressing substance abuse is available on the REMS TA Center’s topic-specific Web page for Supporting Efforts to Create a Public Health, Medical, and Mental Health Annex as a Part of Your Emergency Operations Plan.